Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's a Wrap!

Now we all know that the gifts we give each year are very important, but let's also remember that the presentation is just as important.   With that said, how special is it to wrap all your gifts for your family and friends in this personalized paper?
Work with Sally on a personal photo that can be incorporated into your wrapping paper.  Can you imagine the smile on the grandparents when they see their packages wrapped with the sweet faces of their kiddies?  Gorgeous heavy stock paper, that is just the special touch your gift needs.
Kiddies and our pets!  Come on in and let us get working on your design!

1 comment:

  1. How cool is this personalized paper?!?! I hope I get something for Christmas wrapped up in paper that makes me laugh, smile or cry. What a great idea! The Perfect Pair does it again!!


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